Wahyuliningtyas, Lia. 2010. Comparative Study of Methods Superitem With Preaching Method on Basic Learning Achievement Student Web Creation Class XI in SMA Negeri 2 Batu. Scription, Study Program of Information Tecnique, Electrical Engineering Department, Techincal Faculty of Malang State University. Supervisor: Drs. Setiadi C.P., M.Pd., M.T. Co-Supervisor: Ahmad Fahmi, S.T., M.T.

Keywords: learning achievement, Superitem, Information Technology and Communication, HTML, Comparation.

Superitem method is problem solving approach that places the teacher as a facilitator where teaching and learning activities will put emphasis on student activity in the “manufacturing base making static web”. By learning to use teaching methods SOLO Taxonomy / Superitem expected to be more active and student learning achievement can be achieved. The purpose of this study are (1) to describe the level of student achievement since the implementation Superitem method, (2) to describe the level of student achievement because the application of Preaching Method; (3) to describe the differences in basic learning achievements since the implementation of web-making methods compared Superitem with the application of Preaching Method.

The design of this research is quantitative comparative experiments using quasi experimental method. The design of this experimental research is the design with Post-test Only Control Design with a selection of the group not randomized. The population in this study are all class XI student at SMA Negeri 2 Batu semester 1 2010/2011 academic year as many as 235 students. While this sample is a class XI IPA 1 (43 students) as a control class and the class XI IPA 2 (43 students) as a class experiment. Sampling using purposive sampling. The dependent variable in this research is a class XI student achievement SMA Negeri 2 Batu in ICT subjects and the independent variables are Superitem method for classroom experiments and Preaching methods for the control class.
The results of data analysis using t-test, obtained tcount (10,093) > ttable (1,658), so Ho rejected and Ha accepted, means there is a significant difference between the application of the method Superitem compared with Preaching method. The differences are seen from the cognitive, psychomotor and affective student. In the cognitive test scores average score late (post test) of students who obtained an experimental class (87.44) and the control class (70.88). While in the psychomotor domain of the average score of the assessment process on an experimental class at 90.38 and 74.85 for the control class. And the affective domain of the average score of the assessment process on an experimental class at 86.49 and 74.20 for the control class. Total final value student achievement experimental class consisted of the cognitive, affective and psychomotor students, with a mean score of 88.30 and to control the class obtained a mean score of 73.27.

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